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Manuscripts in the review process
Geiser, Amanda and Clayton Critcher. “The Limits of 'Unlimited' Offers: How Quantifying Constraints Can Increase Valuation.” Under 2nd round review at Journal of Consumer Research.
Geiser, Amanda, Ike Silver, and Deborah Small. “Reluctance to Downplay: Asymmetric Sensitivity to Differences in the Severity of Moral Transgressions.” Revising for 3rd round review at Psychological Science.
Geiser, Amanda and Jonathan Berman. “'I'll Do It If You Do': The Persuasive Power of Conditional Commitment.” Revising for 2nd round review at Journal of Consumer Research.
Manuscripts in preparation
Geiser, Amanda and Ellen Evers. “People want to take risks yet believe that they shouldn't.”
Geiser, Amanda and Ellen Evers. “People underappreciate the aggregate impact of low-probability opportunities.”
Geiser, Amanda and Leif Nelson. “Ratios of small numbers seem larger.”
Mehr, K. S., Geiser, A. E., Milkman, K. L., & Duckworth, A. L. (2020). Copy-paste prompts: A new nudge to promote goal achievement. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 5(3), 329-334. [PDF]